Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Over the last few days!

Apologies that the blog has not been up and running over the last few days. Here is a little update of what we have been doing in Class 1.The children made wind birds to investigate and explore the wind as a pushing force.

Reminder: Class 1's Assembly will be at 2:45pm in Class 3 on Thursday. Come and see what we have been learning about this term.

Year 1 went to see Nick Sharratt at the Cheltenham Literature Festival on Friday.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Thursday 7th October

Year 1 working together on measuring different objects using cubes.

FS2 measuring the length of different snakes and comparing them.

Otto made a picture of Kasper to go with his text.

Thank you for your support with our art sale. We hope you liked the paintings. The children had been so excited about holding it at the end of the day.

Year 1 have continued writing lists today and talking about length and height.

FS2 have been playing the next number name game which they really enjoyed.

This afternoon we have been practising our song for harvest festival and the year 1 children typed some text up on the computer about Kasper and what he will learn when he starts his training.

REMINDER: Cake Sale tomorrow. 25p per cake.

NOTE: We have been so busy this week that we haven't heard year 1 read as much as we would usually do. We will ensure that their books are changed ready for the weekend.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

ART SALE - Tomorrow after school

The children's 'Art Sale' is to raise money for Kasper our class guide dog puppy.

This morning the year one children created fliers to advertise their art sale that they will be holding tomorrow at the end of the day. They thought carefully about what they needed to include on these fliers. You should find a flier in their bags advertising the sale.

The children will each be selling their own piece art work to their parents/grandparents etc at the cost of 25p.

Please support the children after school as they are very keen to collect money for Kasper.

This afternoon we went on a learning walk to the village green. The children were investigating all the autumn leaves and natural materials. They collected leaves and made repeating patterns such as leaf, conker, leaf, conker. We also did lots of counting of the leaves and managed to collect more than 100. The children will have brought home a special object that they found on their walk.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Fundraising: Art Sale

Receptions topic this week is based upon air transport. They have been learning about one more and making number sentences to match.
Some of reception make paper aeroplanes, following instructions and drawing a given number of cats on their plane. They also practised writing the numeral.

Today the children were thinking about how they could raise their first 25p for Kasper this month. We have decided to have an art sale of the children's work on Thursday after school. The children this afternoon spent a very long time creating beautiful paintings that they are sure you will love and will want to buy in aid of Kasper and his training. The children have been incredibly enthusiastic and are so keen to help Kasper. The paintings are based upon the work of Wassily Kandinsky as this fits into our topic of 'repeating patterns' in art. Keep an eye out for a flier inviting you to come and view/buy their art work.

Year 1 have been very busy today measuring different lengths and finding objects that were longer/shorter than each other. We also had a go at alliteration and describing pictures on t- shirts such as

a beautiful butterfly shirt (Sid)
a racing rocket shirt (Elyse)
a daft dog shirt (Amy)
a daring dinosaur (Elliott)
a fun football shirt (Otto)

Monday, 4 October 2010

Growing and favourite clothing

Practising sounds and becoming aware of letters whilst playing teachers. This is 'Mrs Ayling'!

Year 1s have begun a new topic in Literacy this week. They are looking at non-fiction writing and investigating labels, lists and captions. We began this topic by talking about our favourite item of clothing. Later this week and during next week we will be looking at clothing labels and shop sale captions.

Reception have shown a real interest in digging, planting and growing so today they talked about growing plants with Mrs Wallace and had compost, gloves and seeds to be gardeners outside. We were also looking at one more, which the children really enjoyed and we introduced the idea of a number sentence to record one more e.g. 3 + 1 = 4.

Today Reception began their first phonics lesson and were introduced to the letter 's'. This is now in their book bag to practise the action and write the letter each night. Please note that the sound is not 's' pronounced with an 'u' after it. It is pronounced 'ssssssssss' like the sound a snake would make. We will cover 4 sounds each week.