Thursday, 25 November 2010

Thursday 25th November

This week the children have taken a real interest in puppets and performing a show. The photographs above show some of the puppets being made during activity time.
In year 1 the children have been looking at the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. They have been practising using describing words to describe the setting in the story and the wolf. Year 1 have also been rehearsing retelling the story of Red Riding Hood using expression and following a story map to help.
Reception have been looking at 'The 3 Billy Goats Gruff' and today they thought of their own versions including different animals. These included 'The 3 Snakes' 'The 3 Dinosaurs' 'The 3 Crocodiles'. We have also been looking at measures with the children, talking about heavier and lighter.' The children enjoyed a visit from the school nurse to measure their weight and height.
The 'Landlords Cat' is now in full swing. Listen out for the songs at being hummed and sung around the house! Remember that costumes need to be in by Friday 10th December. Any problems with costumes, please do come and see me as there are possibly parents who have a costume from last years performance that you may be able to borrow.
REMINDER: Christmas Bazaar sweetie bags need to be returned to school tomorrow.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Woodland Adventures

Creating more woodland stories using the finger puppets.

Today the children began writing their woodland adventure stories using their characters that they created with Hannah Shaw. Their story setting was also based upon a woodland theme, inspired by their walk on Tuesday. FS2 have written a group story and the year 1s have been writing separate stories.
The children have been writing up their stories to be displayed on the wall. These are not quite complete yet but keep an eye out for them next week on the yellow display board.
FS2 have been reading 'I love you Blue Kangaroo this week and have been thinking about their special toys. They have also been estimating and guessing in maths.
NOTE: Keep an eye out for more WOW! vouchers that will be sent home tomorrow. Please return at least 2 before the end of the Christmas term. Thank you very much for the vouchers recieved this term.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Back to School!

The children and staff were back in full swing today at school. This week is a special week as it is Book Week and this morning the children met the author Hannah Shaw. Hannah read lots of her stories to the children including 'Evil Weasel' and 'Erroll the Squirrel'.

The children then had a go at creating their own characters for stories that we will be writing later this week. These stories will then be typed up and published in a whole school book that will be available to buy. They also made up new sandwiches for Erroll.

This afternoon we went on a woodland walk to inspire us for our story settings that we will be using in our stories. We found a 'T-Rex bone', thought about magical woodland trees and other creatures that we might meet in the woods!
REMINDER: The local paper photographer will be coming to take a group photograph of the Reception children on Thursday. Please come and see me if you would like to talk to me about it or if you have any concerns.

NOTE: We will be going on a trip to Gloucestershire Airport next Thursday (11th). Letters will be sent out later this week.