Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Wednesday 30th March

Today was the first trip up to the allotment. It was the turn of the Broccoli Bunch and the Carrot Crew to help Mrs Wallace start the planting. Next week will be the turn of the Tomato Team and Spinach Squad.
The rest of the children did PE on the field while the groups visited the allotment over the road.
This afternoon we practised for our assembly and year 1 looked at the story 'That Pesky Rat'. They then created a home for the rat as a group. It was important that he had wood shavings, water, play tunnels, a ladder, wheel and cheese.

REMINDER: Class Assembly tomorrow at 2:45pm. Please note the time change.

Monday, 28 March 2011

Monday 28th March

Over the last few days the children have been getting very creative with all sorts of different materials. Model making is their current focus and they have been creating some fantastic ideas. Here are some pictures of birds nests that we have been making from clay.

We made the nest first using a coil technique and then made clay birds and eggs to go inside. You can see the finished sculptures on Thursday in our assembly.

Below are some Plasticine models that the children made during 'Golden Time'.

Barnaby made a selection including a space ship, earth and a cake.

REMINDER: Class 1's assembly this Thursday at 2:45pm. Please note the time change.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Class 1's Band

During activity time the children created their own band including a drummer, singer and dancer. At one point we even had a composer!

Thank you for all the help offered on Wednesday afternoons at the allotment. If you did offer, keep a look out for your timetable which should have come home tonight in your child's book bag.

REMINDER: Class 1's assembly will take place next Thursday (31st) at 2:30pm.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Monday 21st March

The children decided to take water and paint brushes outside this morning. They started by washing/painting the school and then progressed onto making 'paint' by adding water to the chalk.
Some children decided to mix chalk to create a sunset and blended it with their hands.

Some decided that they were going to be car washers.

This week FS2 are looking at butterfly life cycles and capacity. Today they had a go at putting words together to make a sentence that made sense.

Year 1 are continuing their work on fantasy stories and today looked at past tense.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Wednesday 16th March

Lunch at 'The Lamb' will take place on the last day of term, Friday 8th April. Remember that school also finishes at 2pm on that day.

Today on our way to PE we looked for signs of Spring. We found lots of things indicating that the new season has arrived.

Year 1 have continued learning about homes around the world. Today the interest was upon Japan and their homes. The children were full of information about the current situation in Japan and the disaster. They wanted to find out more so we talked about earthquakes and its effects upon peoples lives.

REMINDER: 'Red Nose Day' on Friday. Wear something funny for money will be the main theme of the school day.

N.B Letter about the school allotment will now be sent out tomorrow.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

School Allotment

Just a tiny bit of the produce that we grew two years ago on the allotment.

Every 2 years when we do the topic 'Growing' the children take charge of the school allotment in the summer term. We will be starting a regular trip up to the allotment every week on a Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 beginning on 30th March. We do PE on the field whilst Mrs Wallace takes small groups over the road to the allotment. Mrs
Hunt and Mrs Ulett have already offered their help and we are looking for more volunteers as we need two extra adults to accompany us each week. If you can spare anytime please return the slip that will be sent out tomorrow. A timetable will then be put into place so you know when it will be your turn.

Yesterday and today the year 1's began learning about 'fantasy stories'. They have been reading 'Under the Stairs' and have been coming up with ideas about what Sophie might find under the stairs including a mean bear, dragon and a talking kettle and tea cup!

FS2 are looking at the story 'So Much' and have been making their own books. Today they began learning the difference between their left and right. This is something that should be encouraged at home in their vocabulary to ensure their full understanding.

Yesterday the whole class watched an episode of 'The Animals of Farthing Wood'. We talked lots about how animal homes were being destroyed as woodlands are being cut down. We also talked about the reasons behind this and what would happen the animals.

Friday, 11 March 2011

If you go down to the woods today...

Due to parents evening the blog hasn't been updated but here is what we have been up to over the last few days...
FS2 have been looking at unusual homes. Amber made a lighthouse including rocks!

Molly B also made a lighthouse with lots of windows.

On Wednesday we went on a walk to Frith Wood. The children had lots of fun and decided to build shelters from all the large branches that they found.

Year 1 went hunting for animals and their different homes. We then recorded what we found. We even heard a woodpecker. It was really loud. Mrs Wallace went on a hunt to try and find it but there were just too many trees!

We were all exhausted when we got back to school after all the walking.

Monday, 7 March 2011

Our Local Area

FS2 are looking at the book 'My Mum' this week and thinking about why their mums are special to them. We also talked about the different members of our family.

Year 1 are currently practising how to count on in their head when adding two number together.

This afternoon we went on a walk around the local area. Mrs Wallace had a list of things that we had to find including a red lion, a worm, sheep, a deer and various horse shoes. We did lots of looking and managed to find nearly everything.

The year 1 children were thinking about what it is like living in Eastcombe. They talked about the best bits about Eastcombe and what they dislike.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Spaghetti Week Day 4

The last day of Spaghetti week. We made our names in either dried or cooked spaghetti.

The photo frames that we made yesterday were decorated further by using cooked spaghetti. the children made spiral shapes, patterns and zig zags.

DIARY DATE: 'Bring your Dad to School Day' (or stepdad, grandad or uncle) on Thursday 16th June. It will be between 9am - 1:30. Come all morning or just drop in (even if it is just for lunch!)

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Spaghetti Week Day 3

We have begun to make spaghetti photo frames. They took a very long time to make. The children had to have lots of patience. Tomorrow we will complete them by using cooked spaghetti.

We also made spaghetti mazes in the playground. We had to be able to drive a car around it. Some people had some dead ends in their maze to catch people out.

Tomorrow is the last day of spaghetti week and we will present what we learnt and found out on Friday to the rest of the school. Keep a look out for our spaghetti work that will be sent home on Friday.

Take a look at It is a brand new website and full of brilliant e-books and fun reading ideas. It also has the phonic sounds and how to say them correctly. Well worth a look!!

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Spaghetti Week Day 2

Today we ate spaghetti for our lunch!

We all went to chef school to learn how to cook spaghetti, which was then eaten for lunch! Check out our chef hats that we made as well. Every good chef needs a hat!

We measured the playground using spaghetti.

And we went on a spaghetti hunt on the Village Green.

All in a days work in Class 1!

REMINDER: PE tomorrow, so come to school wearing your PE kits please.