Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Wednesday 28th April

'Did you know that the worlds biggest crab was the size of a small car?'
Yesterday year 1 used word and paint to write up their interesting facts that they learnt at the aquarium. They also made pictures to match. Come and see all of them on the wall in the classroom.
We have been creating an 'Under the Sea' dance in PE today. We thought about different fish, big and small, fast and slow and how they might move. This afternoon we carried on learning about 'Moving Pictures' and have been practising making mechanical levers to move parts of our pictures that we drew (pictures to follow). Some of the boys in the class have been making some very large construction outside over the last few days, do pop your head over the gate and have a look.

Reminder: Mrs Southall would like you to bring in a image of your special place for RE on Friday morning.

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