Thursday, 29 September 2011

Our Autumn Walk

This morning we went for an Autumn walk. Before we left we talked about all the different things that we might find. The children were very excited and keen to find lots of signs of Autumn. We investigated leaves on the ground, and each chose a leaf that we felt was the most beautiful. Warning: Leaves may still be in pockets!! We went right up to the playing field and tried so find some acorns. We didn't manage to find any. We came to the conclusion that the squirrels may have taken them all. On the way back we stopped off at the horse chestnut tree opposite school to try and find some conkers. The weather was beautiful and we had a super time.

Please note that we aim to start FS2 sound work next week. Please check for their sound books that will be sent home in their book bags on Monday. They are expected to practise writing each sound on the night that they bring it home and show you the action to go with it. We will be learning 4 sounds a week, so keep an eye out on Monday for their practise sheets

REMINDER: Homework books and spelling books need to be sent into school tomorrow.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Monkeys and harvest

This morning FS2 were looking at the story 'Oi get off our train'. We tried to remember all the names of the animals who went on the train. We then had a go at thinking about our own animals that we would like to have on our train. Here is Tedd's monkey below:

In maths year 1 are working on writing number sentences. Today we have been thinking about different ways of making 5. For example 1+4=5, 2+3=5, 5+0=5.

Mrs Shiner was the class teacher this afternoon. She has started talking with the children about harvest.

COMING UP: We are hoping to go on a Autumn walk on Thursday, even though according to the weather man it will be more like a summers day!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Working Zone

Work has finally finished on our outside area. The children have been using it today for the first time. Our aim is to provide opportunities for outside play continuously throughout everyday, especially for children in foundation stage.

 Construction making outside

Our sand tray has now moved outside!

FS2 today have been investigating different seasons. Next week, we hope to go on a 'Autumn walk' and see what we can find that give signs as to which season we are currently in.

Year 1 were very excited today as they used the computer suite for the first time. We have been practising turning on, logging onto the computer and mouse skills.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Spiders and Holidays

Year 1 have been looking at an E-book this week called 'The boy who was afraid of spiders.' The children made a spider and have been thinking about story sequencing today.

FS2 have been talking about their holidays and what they did. Some of the children talked about and drew a picture of their holiday.

In maths, year 1 have been learning about 'next numbers'. We have been working on numbers all the way up to 100. This weeks homework will be thinking all about the next number/one more.


  • PE tomorrow, so please wear your PE to school in the morning and bring your school clothes in your PE kit bag.
  • Homework is due in Friday.

Monday, 19 September 2011

The Citizen Newspaper Visit

The Citizen newspaper came today to take photographs of the new FS2 children. Keep your eyes peeled for the photo/s to come over the next few days/weeks!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Dog Biscuits and Invitations

Welcome to Kate, Che and Tahlia who all joined us in Class 1 today. The year 1 girls were very relieved to meet some more girls to play with. We have been taken over by boys this year!!

The year 1's this morning talked about who they would invite to tea at their house, inspired by the story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. We then talked about invitations and their main features. The children then wrote invitations trying to remember all the important information that had to go on it.

FS2 have been looking at some of the stories we have in our classroom. They have also been given plenty of time to 'bond' with each other. Today they went outside to play some maths games and joined in with singing.

This afternoon we finished our Kasper biscuits. You hopefully managed to see them, as they were lovely, before they disappeared into little tummies!  Here are some pictures if you didn' t manage to catch a glimpse! 

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Helping Kasper

Welcome to Angus, Jack and Ollie who started with us today. They had a lovely time and have settled in really well.

This morning we read 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'. The children had a go at thinking of ideas for new story titles. We had titles including 'The meerkat who came to lunch' , 'the spider who came to dinner' and 'the guinea pig who came to breakfast.'

We did PE on the playground this morning because of the new children arriving. We played lots of different games including 'Creep up on the teacher.'

Today we had great fun making biscuits for Kasper. Thanks to Amber's mum for coming in and helping with the baking. Remember to send your child in with 50p to raise money for Kasper in buying the biscuits.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Rhyming and Voting

We talked about rhymes today and words that rhyme with 'got'. We all had a go at voting today as the we had to choose a year 6 who we wanted to be house captain for each house.

This afternoon the children made cards to give to the new FS2 children to welcome them into our class. The children are all very excited at meeting and greeting the new arrivals from tomorrow!

NOTE: Children will be making biscuits tomorrow and Thursday to raise money for Kasper. Please bring in 50p on Thursday to buy a bag of biscuits that they have made.

Monday, 12 September 2011

View from a space shuttle

This morning we began looking at a story called 'Look what i've got'. We related it to our own experiences and talked about toys that we enjoy sharing with friends.  The children also thought about toys that they don't enjoy sharing with others.

In maths we were looking at teen numbers, beginning to understand that teen numbers are made up of a ten and some ones.

This afternoon we thought about a journey to the moon. What might we see looking out of the space shuttle window when we reached space? The children drew some lovely window pictures which will be up on the wall later this week for you to have a look at.

Good news, our outside cover is nearly complete. Hopefully we will be able to go out by the end of the week.

A big thank you to those of you who attended the class 1 meeting after school today. I do hope you found it useful.

REMINDER: No 'stay and play' on Fridays until 23rd September.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Space Shuttles and Snail Traps!

This morning a group of the boys discovered a snail or slug trail around the classroom. It is a trail that baffles us most mornings when we arrive for school. The boys have decided that it must be caught, so created their very own trap. It consists of a shoe box tied with string which will drop down and trap the snail when it enters. They have also left a trail of leaves picked from the beanstalk that we know the snails and slugs love. One of the children even created a electrical circuit including a buzzer to let us know if anything has been caught!
Will it work?! We shall see in the morning!

In maths we have been looking at recognising teen numbers and building matching towers. The children worked with a partner for this.


This afternoon we started making our own space shuttles. We hope to finish them tomorrow. Pictures to follow.

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Wednesday 7th September

We are well and truly back into the swing of things in class 1. The children have been really enjoying being a class of just 11 at the moment until the new children arrive next week!

Yesterday we talked about our summer holidays and our favourite things that we did. The children created some wonderful written work which can be seen on display in our classroom.

                                                                          Writing on display.

                                                                      Amber's holiday writing.

                                                                       Molly's holiday writing.

On Tuesday afternoons Mrs Shiner will be the class teacher and will be doing RE with the children. Yesterday they talked about belonging to a class and made some lovely certificates to show this.

Today we went to the village hall to do PE. It's the first time we have been there for PE since last Spring as we had been using the field. The children enjoyed lots of different games including 'Creep up on the teacher.'

We are having a big push on drinking water in class 1 as we have noticed that many of the children are not drinking enough throughout the day. Today, all the children managed to completely finish their water before the end of the day. We ask that you fill the water bottles, rather than only half full, as then we can monitor how much they have been drinking.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a lovely holiday!

It's like we have never been away! The children settled in today by talking lots about our classroom rules. The main focus was;
-We listen, and we don't interrupt.
-We look after property and we don't damage things.

The children and myself have all drawn ourselves to show that we agree with the rules and remember them. Do come and see our lovely self portraits on the wall!
We talked about consequences of not following the rules which will result in one warning and then losing 5 minutes of golden time.

Please have a look in your child's bookbag for letters about this term and volunteer helper requests.

NOTE FOR DIARY: Monday 12th September - Parents meeting for Year 1 parents at 3:20pm.