Thursday, 29 September 2011

Our Autumn Walk

This morning we went for an Autumn walk. Before we left we talked about all the different things that we might find. The children were very excited and keen to find lots of signs of Autumn. We investigated leaves on the ground, and each chose a leaf that we felt was the most beautiful. Warning: Leaves may still be in pockets!! We went right up to the playing field and tried so find some acorns. We didn't manage to find any. We came to the conclusion that the squirrels may have taken them all. On the way back we stopped off at the horse chestnut tree opposite school to try and find some conkers. The weather was beautiful and we had a super time.

Please note that we aim to start FS2 sound work next week. Please check for their sound books that will be sent home in their book bags on Monday. They are expected to practise writing each sound on the night that they bring it home and show you the action to go with it. We will be learning 4 sounds a week, so keep an eye out on Monday for their practise sheets

REMINDER: Homework books and spelling books need to be sent into school tomorrow.

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