Monday, 3 October 2011

Astronaut Ice Cream and Conkers

Year 1 are revisiting 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. Today they sequenced pictures from the story and in a group had a go at retelling the story, trying to remember to use story language. We then retold the story but substituted the tiger for another animal. We have also started measures in maths and today looked at comparing objects of different lengths.

FS2 are looked at 'Mr Gumpy's Motor Car' this week. Today they thought about long journeys that they have taken in the car and how they entertained themselves.
In maths FS2 are practising recognising numbers 1-10 and counting 1:1. They have been enjoying using the dice and number cards to make up games.

This afternoon, year 1's had the opportunity to try real astronaut ice cream. It was chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. It was very different from normal ice cream! Ask them what they thought of it! They all decided that it was vital to pack some on their space shuttle ready for their mission!

At the end of the day we sang a song all about conkers after finding some on our Autumn walk last week.

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