Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Measuring and the Fire Alarm

FS2 have settled in very well. Here they are building tall towers out of bricks and trying to get dinosaurs to balance on the top.
One FS2 child decided that he was going to join in with the year 1 work in measuring. He noticed that he was 2 fish high. There was a little bit of cheating going on!!

Year 1's enjoyed writing lists today of food that a tiger might like to eat if he came to their house. There were lots of lovely ideas.

We had a fire practise today in school, some of the children found the alarm noise very load, but were very sensible and listened carefully to instructions.

This afternoon Mrs Shiner continued to practise with the year 1's for harvest festival and they have created some beautiful work to show you in harvest festival next Tuesday afternoon.

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