Monday, 28 February 2011

Spaghetti Week Day 1

FS2 explored objects outside and measured them using pieces of spaghetti.

Year 1 carried out an investigation into measuring different lengths of spaghetti using cubes. They then has to record this in a suitable clear way.

This afternoon we made dry spaghetti pictures. We had pictures of vacuum cleaners, to bonfires, a cat and a messy garden!

Today was the start of spaghetti week.

We began by finding out some interesting facts about spaghetti and watched a video about how spaghetti is made in factories. The children enjoyed finding out about the world record for the biggest bowl of spaghetti. It could have filled a swimming pool!

REMINDER: Healthy Tuck Shop is tomorrow. If you want to buy something then bring 30p.

REMINDER: If you haven't brought in any spaghetti yet, please bring some in tomorrow.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Today was National Sing Up Day. The children took part in lots of different singing activities throughout the day.

This morning we began by singing the register and went up to Class 3 for a whole school assembly. We started learning our whole school song ready for the concert 'We're walking on sunshine' . Then we had PE with a twist. The children practised marching like soldiers to the beat of a drum. We then added in the song 'The Grand Old Duke of York' into the mix which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We also sang 'B-I-N-G-O' and thought up movements to 'Horsey, Horsey'.

After PE we sang a playtime song and a song about fruit and vegetables. We then learnt 'The Wise Man and the Foolish Man' including actions.

This afternoon we practised our songs more and FS2 made shakers to play alongside our singing.

Those of you who attended the concert, we hope you enjoyed it!

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Shape Hunt and Fantasy Pet Homes

Year 1 are continuing to look at stories with patterned language. Today the children were looking at 'Little Rabbit Foo Foo'. The children have been using the repeated language in the story in their own versions of the story.

FS2 were looking at rhyming words today. They played a rhyming lotto game and were very good at finding words in pairs that rhymed.

This afternoon FS2 went on a shape hunt around school trying to spot as many shapes as they could.

Year 1 have been investigating pet home today. They looked at standard homes for fish, hamsters, and birds. They then explored fantasy homes that were very fun such as a pink palace for a hamster, mouse bed for a cat and fun fish tanks. We talked about all the things that each animal would need in a home. The children then designed their own fantasy animal home. We had chewy pretend cat tails in a dogs home, food feeding clams for fish and wool as bedding for a cat.

REMINDER: 'Sing Up' day tomorrow. Remember to bring your singing voices!

REMINDER: Please wear your PE kit to school tomorrow morning ready for PE with a singing twist!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Monday 7th February

FS2 and Year 1 worked together today in Maths. We practised telling the o'clock times. The children enjoyed finding out all about a little boy called Jack who did certain things at certain times. They all had a go at telling the time by checking where the long and short hand were on the clock face.

This afternoon FS2 were looking at safety in the home, in particular the kitchen. The children talked about different sources of energy in the kitchen and how to be safe.

Year 1 continued looking at narrow boats and made some paintings based upon narrow boat designs including flowers and patterns. We also thought carefully about the colours that are used.

REMINDER: All Year 1 children should be coming in from the playground on their own. FS2 children should be saying goodbye at the classroom door.

REMEMBER: You are welcome to come into the classroom on a Friday morning for the children to show you their work and for you to come and play!

Friday, 4 February 2011

Chinese New Year

The children had a go at writing Chinese symbols such as 'earth' 'tree' 'sun' 'moon'

Molly's mum stayed to help us make our Chinese lanterns.

We made Chinese lanterns.

We tried Chinese fortune cookies.

More Chinese writing

Today with Mrs Southall we began finding out about Chinese New Year. We will continue looking at the celebration next Friday. Did you know that it's the year of the rabbit?

Many thanks for all the cakes that were made by Class one children and parents for the cake sale! They were enjoyed by the whole school!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Cake Sale

FS2 have really enjoyed looking at shapes this week and today played a really fun game. We took it in turns to stick a picture of a shape on a persons back. That person then had to ask the group questions to try and guess what the shape was. The children were very good at thinking of questions and all of them managed to guess the shape that was stuck to them!

Today year 1 designed a house using Purple Mash. They have printed the net of their houses and are planning to make them into 3D models next week.

REMINDER: It's Cake Sale tomorrow. Class 1 to bake please! Don't forget your 25p for a cake.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Superhero Day

Today Class 1 worked with Class 3. At 10:30 all the children went upstairs and were paired up. The children learnt all about Mrs Greens special powers and heard her latest rescue mission on her motorbike. The children then worked together to design a character and mode of transport. This even continued after lunch when most of Class 1 wanted to go back upstairs and finish their work. Their fantastic ideas will soon be on display at the top of the stairs. Do go and have a look later in the week. The children really enjoyed working with Class 3!

This afternoon Year 1 decorated their clay houses which are now complete.

REMINDER: Class 1 to bake for the cake sale on Friday.

REMINDER: PE kits need to be worn to school tomorrow morning please.