Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Shape Hunt and Fantasy Pet Homes

Year 1 are continuing to look at stories with patterned language. Today the children were looking at 'Little Rabbit Foo Foo'. The children have been using the repeated language in the story in their own versions of the story.

FS2 were looking at rhyming words today. They played a rhyming lotto game and were very good at finding words in pairs that rhymed.

This afternoon FS2 went on a shape hunt around school trying to spot as many shapes as they could.

Year 1 have been investigating pet home today. They looked at standard homes for fish, hamsters, and birds. They then explored fantasy homes that were very fun such as a pink palace for a hamster, mouse bed for a cat and fun fish tanks. We talked about all the things that each animal would need in a home. The children then designed their own fantasy animal home. We had chewy pretend cat tails in a dogs home, food feeding clams for fish and wool as bedding for a cat.

REMINDER: 'Sing Up' day tomorrow. Remember to bring your singing voices!

REMINDER: Please wear your PE kit to school tomorrow morning ready for PE with a singing twist!

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