Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Today was National Sing Up Day. The children took part in lots of different singing activities throughout the day.

This morning we began by singing the register and went up to Class 3 for a whole school assembly. We started learning our whole school song ready for the concert 'We're walking on sunshine' . Then we had PE with a twist. The children practised marching like soldiers to the beat of a drum. We then added in the song 'The Grand Old Duke of York' into the mix which the children thoroughly enjoyed. We also sang 'B-I-N-G-O' and thought up movements to 'Horsey, Horsey'.

After PE we sang a playtime song and a song about fruit and vegetables. We then learnt 'The Wise Man and the Foolish Man' including actions.

This afternoon we practised our songs more and FS2 made shakers to play alongside our singing.

Those of you who attended the concert, we hope you enjoyed it!

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