Monday, 17 May 2010

The Titanic and Writing Journey's

Thomas' sketch of the Titanic and interesting fact.

Over the next two weeks our focus is upon history and we will be looking at the Titanic. Today the children talked about what they already knew and learnt some interesting facts about the Titanic and its voyage.

Alec's sketch of the Titanic and a fascinating fact he learnt.

Joshua's story plan ready for writing his story in his 'Writing Journey' tomorrow.

This morning we began planning our are stories to go in our 'Writing Journey's'. Twice a year the children write a piece in their journey and we do this throughout the school. The journey's then go with the children as they move up the school. The children really enjoy looking back at their writing and drawing and how they have improved over time.
Year 1 have asked me to put this link up as some of them are desparate to use it at home as well as at school to create animations:

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