Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Tuesday 11th May

The children continued to look at information books today and had a go at writing their own glossary. They enjoyed finding out what some words meant in terms of under the sea creatures.

This week, year 1 are looking at different ways of making amounts from 5 to 10. They have been camel sellers, deciding how many camels they want to keep/sell. This is a hard concept for children. Using real situations has helped the children with their understanding.
Practise for 'The Wind in the Willows' is in full swing. Keep a look out for a costume letter coming home with your child, hopefully, by the end of the week.

Thank you to the parents who have been working with the children in the mornings with their reading. The children really enjoy having parents in to class and the parents have enjoyed being part of school life.

Reminder: Reception don't forget your homework is due in on Friday for marking.

HELP US: A plea from Mrs Shiner and I, can you please ensure that your child's clothes are named. We are having great trouble matching clothes with their owners!!! All 20 jumpers etc look exactly the same. If they are not named we are going to begin writing children's names inside their clothes. Please help and do this for us!

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