Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Wednesday 19th May

We have been busy today, we did PE this morning. The children enjoyed a tag rugby game that we called 'Sharks and Fish'. The children who were sharks had great fun chasing the fish and taking their tails!

This week the reception children have been looking at menus as a text example. They have been writing their own menu's for the Titanic in literacy. In maths they have been working with money and making number sentences in Mrs Shiner's Cafe. The children have been choosing things to order from the menu and adding up how much is will cost.

The children have continued to look at 'The Titanic'. We learnt about the inside of the ship today and the differences between first, second and third class. The year ones then made information leaflets to encourage rich people to holiday on the Titanic. The children have been absolutely fascinated with this topic in History and cannot wait to find out about the night the ship hit the iceberg. Joshua R has made a beautiful model of the Titanic at home and Thomas has a wonderful pop-up book which he has been sharing with the class.

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