This morning the year 1 children worked with their photographs that they had brought in from home. They really enjoyed trying to identify each other in the pictures! Even Miss Fogarty and Mrs Wallace and their baby photos! They then wrote sentences about when they were little and things that they did.
We have been spending lots of time preparing the reception children before they begin learning their sounds and making words. We have been doing lots of sounding out and game playing such as 'Put your hands on your h-ea-d, ch-ee-k-s, t-oe-s, b-a-ck. This will prepare them for hearing sounds in words and putting sounds together to create a word. I spy can also be played like this at home.
Year 1 created some beautiful transport images on the computers today using paint. Come and see them on display in our classroom tomorrow morning. They are fantastic and the children demonstrated some very good mouse skills.
Reception thoroughly enjoyed their learning this afternoon, playing on the bikes outside and helping Mrs Wallace to make pastry.
REMINDER: All reception children will be in full time from tomorrow. If we have any concerns about your child and how they are coping full time we of course will have a chat.