Monday, 20 September 2010

Today we had the school photographer. He took some beautiful pictures of the children whilst working. We also had a whole school photograph. We are looking forward to seeing the pictures and the proofs arriving at the beginning of next week. The children thought the photographer was fantastic and great fun! He even went away with a drawing by Sydney and inspired Millie to be a photographer for the duration of the morning!!

FS2 have begun looking at the story 'Oi get off our train' in their literacy and their maths. They were thinking about the sounds that the different animals might make as they travelled on the train. We also counted all the animals who got on the train one by one and some of the children worked on matching amounts with numerals.

Year 1 are looking at 'Where's my teddy?'. They told stories about their experiences of losing something precious with their talk partners. They thought about how they felt and where they found their lost object. We had a fantastic 'experience' where somebody had lost a toy monkey at the zoo, found it in a tree in the monkey cage and the monkey passed it back to them. A very creative story to say the least.

This afternoon the year 1's began thinking about journeys. Today we learnt about Barnaby bear and the different countries that he has visited. The children were very knowledgeable about the world.

REMINDER: Please keep sending in any junk that we could use for junk modelling.

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