Thursday, 2 September 2010

Welcome Back!

The new term began today and the summer holidays are already a distant memory. All 9 new year 1's arrived this morning refreshed and ready to go.
You will notice that there have been a few changes in our classroom. We now have areas including a construction corner, home corner, book corner, writing table and a creation station. All these areas give the children access to resources of their choice throughout the day. Here are a few photos of our new classroom design.

Book Corner
Construction Corner

We talked a lot about our class rules this morning and then drew pictures of ourselves this afternoon to agree to these rules. Our class rules are:

- We are honest, we don't cover up the truth.
- We are gentle, we don't hurt others.
- We listen, we don't interrupt.
- We look after property, we don't damage things.
- We are kind and helpful, we don't hurt other peoples feelings.
- We work hard, we don't waste time.

We also talked about the rules that we find tricky to remember and that we need to work hard on.

Year 1 will now be having their lunch upstairs in Class 2 along with FS2 and year 2. It will be nice for them to still be able to play with some of their class friends from last year.

Well done for all your hard work reading over the summer holidays. It has really payed off and means that we can continue where we left last term rather than working on all the things forgotten over the holidays.

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