Reception this week are reading the story 'Mr Gumpy's Motor Car.' Today we talked about Mr Gumpy's adventure and the problems that he faced when he got stuck in the mud. Some of the children talked about their experiences when they had car problems.
Harry - 'I went to Bristol Zoo. It took 17 hours!'
Eleanor - 'I got stuck in the snow with my mummy, daddy and sister.'
Oscar - 'Daddy's car is old. It broke.'
Year 1 are looking at a story called 'Grandma's Bill' this week. They started by talking about their grandparents and writing words to describe them.
This afternoon year 1 continued talking about Barnaby Bear and his travels. We made passports for our teddies so they can now go on holiday to different countries with Barnaby.
Thank you to Elliott for looking after Crispin the class bear over the weekend. He had a fantastic time at Elliott's house. Elliott looked after him very well, taking him to a restaurant for tea and collecting 43 conkers!! Crispin also has a lovely new bed to sleep in when at school and some fantastic warm socks and a woolly hat for those cold winter nights!
Have you noticed our 'WOW! Wall in the classroom? We have all the reception childrens learning on display and current photographs about what they have been learning. Come and have a look?
Extra WOW! vouchers if you need them are also pinned to the board so please help yourself.
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