Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Healthy Schools

The picture above shows the egg that we currently have in our classroom. What do you think might be inside?
Today the FS2 children curled up and pretended they were in an egg. We thought of words to describe what it might be like inside an egg including uncomfortable, cosy, squashed.

A picture of one of us pretending to be inside the egg.

Year 1's this week are looking at ordinal numbers in maths. Today we wore ordinal number stickers and made a queue in the correct order. The children also played a game 'Guess the position.'

As part of our 'Healthy Schools' award every child in the school has taken part in a run this week to determine their fitness levels. This afternoon the children rated how fit they thought they were before running around the pleasure ground. The idea of this is that the children can identify their fitness levels and we can improve this as a school. We will then do the run at Easter and in the summer to determine if we have improved our fitness through extra exercise in school.

REMINDER: Please wear PE kits to school tomorrow.

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