Thursday, 6 January 2011

Scrambled Snake!

Even the baby Gruffalo's enjoyed the scrambled snake!

Year 1 wrote their recounts today about their Christmas Day. They all had plenty to write about and enjoyed drawing illustrations to go with their writing.

FS2 have nearly completed all their single sounds and will very soon be moving onto double sounds such as 'sh' like shop, 'ch' like chip, and 'th' like thank.

This afternoon we had music time. The children have taken lots of interest in instruments and have made their own during activity time. We have had rain sticks, shakers and even a violin.

FS2 have continued to look at 'The Gruffalo' and
today made scrambled snake (otherwise known as scrambled egg!).

Reminder: Please check your child's book bag for a letter about PE kits. We will send home all PE kits on a Tuesday. This will help you to remember that your child will need to wear their PE kit to school on the following morning.

REMINDER: Year 1 homework is due in tomorrow. This includes both word books and new maths homework books.

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