Monday, 17 January 2011

Monday 17th January

Practising writing whilst playing 'teachers'.

Another busy week begins in Class 1.

FS2 have continued their 'Dinosaur' theme in Literacy and Maths this week by looking at 'Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs'. The children thought about how they could describe their toy to someone if it was lost. FS2 also had a go at 'estimating' the number of dinosaurs in the bucket and them counted them. We have been doing lots of work on recognising numbers and writing them.

Year 1 are looking at stories with patterned language this week and have been looking at 'Handa's Surprise' . Today we talked about the African setting and the different animals that you would find there.

This afternoon FS2 explored a new game and learnt how to play it. It is a bit like 'Buckaroo' but a racing car that you have to put together.

Year 1 continued talking about homes and drew pictures of their homes. We talked about different features such as chimneys, windows, doors etc. The children also learnt about detached, semi-detached, and terraced homes.

LOOK OUT FOR 'Purple Mash' information tomorrow. The children are very excited about it, especially the year 1's!

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