Thursday, 10 June 2010

Thursday 10th June

Today reception created their own under the sea poem. Come and read it in their Literacy books.

Year 1 wrote up their under the sea poem. Each one of them wrote a verse which has been put together as a class book. This is living in the classroom book box and the children are very proud to have their work 'published'!

We have nearly finished looking at the Titanic. Today we learnt about the lifeboats and the survivors. The children were fascinated with the facts and have remembered lots of information including how many lifeboats were on the Titanic and how many people could fit in each lifeboat. The children have really loved this topic and have learnt so much.

Lots of reminders about tomorrow.

- Mrs Southall would like everyone to bring in their favourite story book.
- Dress up as a famous person or in non school uniform (50p)
- Cake sale at play time (20p)
- Bring and buy sale after school: bring along anything you do not want anymore that is in good condition.

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