Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Wednesday 16th June

This morning we went to the playing field to practise for sports day. The children are very excited about the sack race and had lots of fun practising their technique! We also practised the running races so now everyone is prepared for the big day. Lets hope it does not rain!

We talked about the '1 goal' campaign that we are taking part in as a whole school. More information on the campaign can be found on the back of your child's scarf piece that they have brought home today. They have until Monday to get as many family and friends to sign their scarf as they can. On Monday we will make a giant scarf in Class 3 and then it will be sent to David Cameron.

This afternoon we continued talking about our UK holidays. The children learnt how to use an atlas and we tried to find the different locations on a map of the UK.

The children have noticed that the ivy is becoming very overgrown in our outside area over the last few weeks. Do you have any spare time during the morning on Tuesday 29th June? We are in desperate need of some parent helpers to give it a prune and cut it back a bit. If you can spare an hour or so between 8:50 and 12:30 then please let me know. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Strong shears will definitely be needed!

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