Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Tuesday 15th June

We continued with our topics for the week today. Year 1 learnt about rhyming couplets and had a go at writing some of their own. Reception looked at a treasure map and talked about words to describe its position including in front, behind, next to, around, and over.

We had a ship wreck outside that the children were building including lots of material to create little den spaces.

This afternoon we had a fire practise in the middle of singing practise. The children were very sensible and all went very well. The children are now singing the songs without words.

We started our Geography topic about 'Islands and the seaside' today. The children talked about their photographs and pictures that they had been asked to bring in about their UK holidays. The children talked about where they had visited, what they did there and what they really liked/disliked. Tomorrow we will be using atlases to find the locations and plot them on a UK map.

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